Tag: DMV Points

Driving Infractions, Violations, and Crimes

If you are pulled over while driving in Connecticut, you might face a driving infraction, violation, or crime. While these terms may seem interchangeable, they refer to slightly different elements in Connecticut. Here, you can learn more about the difference between the three and what to do if you are charged with one of them. […]

Failure to Drive a Reasonable Distance Apart

Failing to drive a reasonable distance apart, or the intent to harass, is a violation of Connecticut traffic laws. This violation is somewhat more severe than other motor vehicle violations because there is an intent element, rather than simple negligence or an accident in the violation. If you have been charged with failure to drive […]

Wrong Direction at Rotary or One Way Street Motor Vehicle Violation

Going in the wrong direction at a rotary or going down the wrong side of a one way street sometimes happens by accident, especially when you are driving in an unfamiliar area. But, it is important to keep in mind that this is a motor vehicle violation in the state of Connecticut. Here, you can […]

Operating at an Unreasonable Rate of Speed

Motor vehicle violations in the state of Connecticut carry different types of penalties. One penalty is getting points on your motor vehicle license. On this page, I will discuss the driving offense of operating at an unreasonable rate of speed and the penalties you may face. What is Operating at an Unreasonable Rate of Speed? […]

Getting A Speeding Ticket In Maine – Charges, Penalties, and More

A road trip from Connecticut to Maine is something that many families do in the summer months. You might notice that in many parts of Maine, the speeding limit is higher than it is in Connecticut. But, you might get carried away while driving, and still start speeding. If this happens, you could get a […]

Connecticut DMV Point System Charges and Penalties

The Department of Motor Vehicles keeps track of driving violations through a DMV point system. On this page you can find a comprehensive chart of every motor vehicle offense that carries a point penalty, from most to least severe. You can refer to this chart for more information regarding the motor vehicle violation that you […]