Motor vehicle violations in the state of Connecticut carry different types of penalties. One penalty is getting points on your motor vehicle license. On this page, I will discuss the driving offense of operating at an unreasonable rate of speed and the penalties you may face.
What is Operating at an Unreasonable Rate of Speed?
Operating at an unreasonable rate of speed is a violation of the Connecticut traffic laws. Even though it might sound like speeding violation, it is actually different under the law. The law is to operate a motor vehicle on a public highway of the state or road, or any parking area, or private road, school property at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable. In addition, you must operate the vehicle having regard to the width, traffic, and use of highway, road or parking area, the intersection of streets and weather conditions.
Any speed in excess of the speed limits, other than speeding as provided for in Sec. 14-219, is evidence that the speed is not reasonable. The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the limits does not relieve the driver from the duty to decrease speed when there is a hazard in the road. Common hazards include pedestrians, traffic, weather, or highway conditions.
Tickets and Consequences
Operating at an unreasonable rate of speed traffic tickets are given when someone is traveling 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit, but driving less than 85 miles per hour. For example, if a speed limit is 45 mph, and a person is driving 70 mph on the road, then they may be given a ticket for operating at an unreasonable rate of speed. The highest speed limit permitted in Connecticut is 65 miles per hour, on multiple lane, limited access highways. This also depends on the design, population of area, and traffic flow. Someone going 20 miles per hour or more over the highest speed limit 65 mph, will likely be ticketed for reckless driving.
An operating at an unreasonable rate of speed ticket can cost you in fines and insurance premiums. In addition, it can add points to your license and add a violation to your driving history. If found guilty of this offense, you will have one point assessed against your driver’s license.
Getting Help
If you have received a traffic ticket for operating at an unreasonable rate of speed, contact Mr. Speeding Ticket today to speak with someone who can help you and answer your questions. We might be able to fight the ticket and help you avoid points on your license, as well as other consequences.