Moving Violations and Non-Moving Violations in Connecticut

Traffic tickets can be classified into two categories: moving violations and non-moving violations. The circumstances of the offense will oftentimes determine which category a ticket falls into. Here, I will discuss the basic differences between a moving violation and a non-moving violation. I will also discuss the consequences that a moving violation or a non-moving violation can have on your life.

What is a Moving Violation?

A moving violation is a motor vehicle violation that relates to the way in which you operate your car. Some common moving violation examples are:

  • Failure to completely stop at a stop sign.
  • Making an improper turn.
  • Improper use of a car pool lane.
  • Drunk driving.

As you can see, these issues relate to the movement of your vehicle, hence the name “moving violation.” Also, as you can see, moving violations can really range in severity. They range from minor issues to serious issues that can have severe consequences.

Moving violations usually relate to the way in which you operated your motor vehicle. If you are not sure if you are being charged with a moving violation or a non-moving violation, further information can be found on your ticket.

What is a Non-Moving Violation?

Non-moving violations are also motor vehicle violations. But, these violations relate to non-moving issues related to driving. This means that these violations generally don’t have to do with the way that you were driving, but issues with your vehicle or paperwork. Some common examples include:

  • Expired license.
  • Expired registration.
  • Driving without insurance.
  • Driving with a broken taillight or other vehicle-related issues.

While generally speaking non-moving violations do not have to do with the way you are driving, a few do. Many states consider speeding camera tickets or red light camera tickets non-moving violations. Many states also consider seatbelt violations non-moving violations. Again, if you are unsure if you have been charged with a non-moving violation, check your ticket or contact an attorney.


You can face consequences for either a moving violation or a non-moving violation. Generally, consequences for a non-moving violation are less severe than those for a moving violation. Generally, you do not face points against your license or other serious consequences if you face a non-moving violation.

The consequences for moving violations will vary based on the severity of the offense. You could face fines, a license suspension, or points against your license. If your moving violation relates to a crime such as drunk driving or assault with a motor vehicle, you could also face criminal offenses. This might include additional fines or even jail time.

Getting Help

Whatever type of violation you face, it is a good idea to contact an attorney. This is especially the case if facing a moving violation, since the consequences can be more severe. To get help today, you can contact my office.

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