Failure to Keep Right When Meeting Opposing Traffic

Failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic is a motor vehicle violation in the state of Connecticut. Some motor vehicle infractions, such as speeding and reckless driving, are common. Most people know about these types of infractions. But, you might not be familiar with failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic. If you get a ticket for this motor vehicle violation, you might be surprised. On this page, I want to address failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic. I will explain what this violation is, as well as the penalties that you face for it. Read on for more information.

What is Failure to Keep Right When Meeting Opposing Traffic?

Vehicles driving toward one another on opposite sides of the street must pass each other on the right. The same is true on highways and roads that are narrowed to where there is not two full lanes in width. In this case, the vehicles on either side should move accordingly to give oncoming vehicles the space to move in closer to the middle. The violation of either of these provisions may result in a motor vehicle ticket under failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic.

What Happens If I Get a Ticket for Failure to Keep Right When Meeting Opposing Traffic?

Receiving a motor vehicle ticket for failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic may have harsh penalties including expensive fines, violation on one’s diving record, three DMV points assessed to one’s license, and possibly even license suspension. In comparison, a violation like speeding will only result in one DMV point assessed against your license. So, failure to keep right when meeting opposing traffic is a considerably serious motor vehicle violation in the state of Connecticut.

If you get a ticket for this infraction, you do have options. You can choose to plead to the ticket and face the penalties mentioned above. Alternatively, you can fight the ticket by taking it to court. If this is an option that you want to explore, you should contact an attorney such as Mr. Speeding Ticket. We can guide you through this process, make sure that it is the right choice for you, and make sure that you establish the best defense against the ticket possible in court. We are happy to help! Contact our office now for more information.

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