Have you recently received a speeding ticket in New Britain, Connecticut? If you face a speeding ticket or another motor vehicle violation, you might feel confused. Should you pay the ticket and try to make it go away as quickly as possible? Should you take your case to court and fight the ticket? The answer will likely depend on your personal situation. But, many people decide to fight their speeding tickets. If you are interested in this option, you can contact my office for assistance. We have handled speeding ticket cases in New Britain, and we can help you.
New Britain Speeding Tickets
Driving in New Britain, Connecticut can be difficult. Many people face traffic and road construction because of the proximity to Hartford. There are also speeding traps near New Britain that you might not expect. All of these factors could result in a speeding ticket or a ticket for another motor vehicle violation. Getting a speeding ticket in New Britain can be overwhelming. Whether this is your first ticket or you have been through this process before, you might have some questions.
You also might have questions about the New Britain Courthouse if your case requires that you go there. In the next section, I will provide more information about this courthouse. Going to court can be nerve-wracking enough. This information can make the process as easy as possible for you.
New Britain Courthouse
The New Britain Courthouse is also referred to as “Geographic Area 15” or “G.A. 15” so if you hear these terms, it refers to this courthouse. The New Britain Courthouse is located at 20 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051. When you get to the courthouse, the first thing that you want to do is find parking. You can park in the parking garage located near the courthouse. Parking in the garage is $3 per hour, and it is cash only. If you don’t want to pay for the parking garage, you can use a street meter parking option. But, remember that you will need to bring quarters for this meter. You don’t want to get a parking ticket while trying to resolve another ticket at the courthouse!
Once you park, enter the courthouse through the main front doors. Here there is a security checkpoint set up. Everyone who enters the courthouse needs to go through this security checkpoint. Once you finish with security, it is time to find the courtroom for your case. Your lawyer will probably have access to this information and can direct you where to go. Or, check out the cork boards in the lobby. Room assignments can be found here.
Getting Help
If you have additional questions about your ticket or the New Britain Courthouse, contact our office. We are happy to help you with your situation. Our lawyers handle cases in the New Britain Courthouse frequently, and have built relationships with the court staff. We will put these relationships to good use for you if you decide to work with our law firm.