Many drivers prefer to be on the roads when it is light out. This is because reduced visibility and other factors can make you feel unsafe when driving in the dark. While driving in the dark can be more dangerous than driving when it is light out, there are ways to combat the dangers and […]
Tag: Driving Safety
Driving Safety Tips for Elderly Drivers
The elderly face unique challenges when it comes to driving. Many issues and limitations emerge in old age that can make driving more difficult for the elderly. In this post, I will discuss some of the challenges that the elderly face when driving, as well as some safety tips to keep elderly drivers safe. Issues […]
How to Create an Emergency Kit for Your Car
A few years ago, an employee of mine was driving from Chicago to Minneapolis. Her car broke down in Wisconsin, and she was stranded. She couldn’t call her family for assistance, since they were all back on the East coast, and she was too far from Chicago to call a friend. She had to figure […]
Winter Driving Car Safety Checklist
Winter is rolling around the corner once again, and there are many things that we need to do to prepare. Break out the sweaters from storage. Get the heat going in the house. And make sure that our vehicles are equipped to handle the weather. Just the other day, I took my car for a […]
Nationwide Study on Unsafe Driving
As drivers, we all understand that distracted driving, risky and aggressive driving, drowsy driving, and impaired driving are not safe practices to engage in. But we must change our driving behaviors instead of simply understanding that these driving behaviors are unsafe. According to a AAA study, many drivers’ beliefs about driving safety contradict how they […]