Getting a Speeding Ticket in Montana – Charges, Penalties, and More

Violating the speeding limit in Montana will result in certain penalties. Whether you are a resident of Montana or an out-of-state driver, you face the same penalties. Here, I will discuss these penalties in more detail. If you are an out-of-state driver, you probably won’t be familiar with Montana laws. For this reason, it is particularly important to make sure that you get this information.

Montana Law

Montana Code 61-8-725 outlines the penalties for speeding in Montana. This law explains that violating the speed limit law is not a criminal offense in Montana. In addition, it cannot get charged against a driver’s license, except for in specific situations. Also, an insurance company cannot increase their rates for a person who gets a speeding ticket. This is the case if the driver isn’t going more than five miles per hour over the speed limit at night, or 10 miles per hour over the speed limit during the day.


The major penalty for speeding in Montana is a fine. The fine gets determined based on how many miles over the speed limit a person was driving. If you drive 1-10 miles per hour over the speed limit, you face a $40 fine. If driving 11-20 miles per hour over the speed limit, you face a $70 fine. 21-30 miles over the speed limit will result in a fine of $120. Finally, if caught driving driving 30 or more miles per hour over the speed limit, the fine comes out to $200.

These fines apply to a violation of statute 61-8-303(1)(a). Other penalties apply to violation of statutes 61-8-303-(1)(b), 61-8-309, or statute 61-8-312. The fines for violations of these statutes are slightly different, but still similar. They include:

  • A $20 fine for driving 1-10 miles per hour over the speed limit.
  • $70 in fines for driving 11-20 miles per hour over the speed limit.
  • A $120 fine for driving 21-30 miles per hour over the speed limit.
  • Finally, a $200 fine if caught driving more than 30 miles per hour over the speed limit.

A fine is the main penalty for speeding in Montana. Compared to other states, you will likely deal with lesser penalties and ramifications. Still, it is a good idea to contact a lawyer and discuss your situation with them. A lawyer can advise you on fighting the speeding ticket or accepting the consequences. For more information, please contact my office. I can answer your questions and put you in touch with a Montana motor vehicle violation attorney.

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