In the State of Connecticut, there are proper and improper ways to use license plates. If you have license plates and permits, it is important that you use them in a legal manner. This can help you avoid a misuse of license plates charge. Using your license plates correctly is a simple way to avoid penalties. Penalties for this issue include fines, the revocation of your plates, and other issues. You can learn more about proper and improper ways to use license plates in this article.
Misuse of Plates And Permits
If you have a special permit or license plate for a disability, you may park in handicapped spots in some cases. But, a permit or special license plate doesn’t mean you can break parking regulations. For example, you cannot use a disability permit to park in a handicapped spot in every situation. If the disabled person is not in the car with you, you can’t use the permit. The disabled person has to be the driver or a passenger for the special permit or plate to be valid.
Proper Use of Plates And Permits
On the other hand, you can properly use license plates and permits in the event that:
- The person needing the plates or permit is with you when you try to use the perks of the permit/plates. An example of this would be parking in a handicapped spot when you have a disabled person in the car with you. As long as you have your permit to park in a handicapped spot and the handicapped person is with you you can do this.
- When you have an International Symbol of Access permit. When you have this, you can use a handicapped parking spot in a parking lot.
If you misuse your plates or permit, the DMV can take away the permit or the license plates. Or, the DMV can choose not to renew the permit or plates when the time comes for them to be renewed. Another way that you can use your special permit or plates is if you let someone else borrow them. This action is considered misuse of license plates.
This motor vehicle violation will not result in serious penalties for you. Still, you should prepare for the possibility of having the right to use plates revoked. If charged with misuse of license plates, you have contact with the DMV over this infraction. If you would like to defend yourself against the charges brought against you, hire a lawyer. This is a good way to improve your understanding of what is happening. Having peace of mind will help you through this process. If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact me for a free consultation.