Car maintenance is of the utmost importance, especially in the colder months when accidents and vehicle issues are frequent. There are many things that you can do to make sure that your car is in proper working order. One thing to keep an eye on is your oil level. When it is time to change the oil in your car, make sure that you do this in a timely manner. Keeping up with the oil in your car will provide proper lubrication for the vehicle, prevent your car from overheating, and prevent the engine from slowing down.
Whether you change our own oil or you go to a mechanic and have them do it for you, the important thing is that you get your oil changed and take care of your car. However, if you would like to learn how to change your own oil and save some money in the process, read on!
How to Change Your Oil
Changing your own oil can be less expensive and more convenient than going to a mechanic and having it done for you.
First, make sure that you buy the right kind of oil for your car. You can probably see in the owner’s manual or look up online the best oil option for the make and model of your vehicle. Also consult your manual or the internet to determine how much oil you will need when changing the oil in your car.
Invest in a few common tools such as the oil itself, a wrench, an oil filter wrench, a funnel, and gloves. While the upfront cost of these items may be a little expensive, you will save money in the long run.
Next, prepare your vehicle for the oil change. If you need to jack up the car to give you better access, do that now. Otherwise, you can get started. Just make sure that the engine is warm – you can run it for a few minutes and then let it sit for a few minutes. If your car has an undercover, remove it.
Now, locate the drain plug and the oil filter. Most cars have screw on filters that are at the bottom of the car. Some newer cars have top-mount filters, which require a slightly different process. However, if you have a bottom-mount filter, place a pan under the drain plug, remove the drain cap with a wrench, and drain out the old oil. If you are having trouble removing the drain cap, check online for the proper wrench size for your car’s drain plug.
While the oil drains, clean the drain plug. Replace the washer if necessary and tighten the drain plug. Make sure to tighten the drain plug as well as you can to make sure that it is properly secured.
Next, remove the oil filter and let the oil drain into your pan. Smear some oil on a new filter and install it. Most filters utilize an o-ring for installation. Just make sure that the old o-ring is removed before adding the new one. Consult your manual to make sure that you reattach the filter properly for your vehicle. In most cases, you won’t need a wrench to tighten the filter.
Then, you want to add the required amount of the new oil. Replace your oil cap and turn on your engine. Let it run for a few minutes so that the new oil can circulate. If you used a car jack, remove it. Check your oil level and make sure that it is in the appropriate range.
Your Motor Vehicle
While it might take a few tries to get the hang of it, changing your own oil can have several benefits. The important thing is that you keep up with your car maintenance to avoid issues such as car accidents or other issues on the road. If you do face a road issue, contact our office for help.