In the event of reckless driving or some other driving violation, another driver or the police can report you. In some of these situations, a request for medical review can be made. In these cases, a medical review hearing will be set. During such a hearing, your medical history will be reviewed to determine if you have any medical conditions that bar you from safely driving. If you find yourself in a medical review situation, here are a few ways that you can get help.
What is the Medical Review Hearing?
A medical review hearing is a hearing to determine if you have any medical issues that make it unsafe for you to drive. Medical review hearings are much like any other legal issue that must be resolved. First, an investigation is conducted that includes a letter requesting patient records, questions about treatment, statements of treatment, and more. The Department of Public Health can take this investigation and submit it as an alleged violation. Then, the defending doctor can request that the Department dismiss the allegations based on issues of merit. If the Department continues to proceed, the doctor will be given the chance to meet with the Department at an informal hearing and contest the charges on behalf of the person under review.
The Role of a Lawyer
The initial informal meeting is an important step in fighting against allegations. This is because it is often the last chance to keep the issue out of the public eye. Because this stage is so important, it is a good idea to seek the help of a lawyer. Find a lawyer who has worked with this Department before. Also make sure that you have representation at this hearing. Hired attorneys can attend informal hearings, speak on a doctor’s behalf, and submit evidence and documents on behalf of the doctor.
Having an attorney is also critical to this stage because a lawyer will know how to get the complaint, evaluate it, and use it to defend against the charges. During this informal meeting, the doctor and their counsel can try to establish an agreement with the Department that does not involve a public hearing.
If the informal meeting is unsuccessful, the next step is having a formal hearing. At the hearing, any counsel will get the chance to present witnesses, statements from patients, expert testimony, and evidence in the form of documents. Every possible position that a defending doctor has should be made clear to the Medical Examining Board at this hearing. It is therefore very helpful to have an attorney at this time.
Getting Help
If you are the subject of a medical review hearing, you might feel overwhelmed. This is another good reason why you should contact a lawyer. A lawyer can not only help you establish a defense, but they can also answer your questions and support you at this time. To speak with a lawyer today, contact our office. We are happy to help.