Speeding Tickets and Points in Connecticut: What You Need to Know

Speeding in our society feels like second nature to many people. Whether you are late for a meeting, unaware of the speed limit for the area that you are driving in, or simply zoning out for a few seconds, you might find yourself driving above the speed limit. In most cases, you can quickly correct your mistake and continue to go about your day. However, in some situations, speeding can result in red and blue lights in your rearview mirror and a sinking feeling in your stomach. If this is the case, you need to understand Connecticut’s speeding laws in order to protect your rights. If you experience a speeding ticket in Connecticut, you can learn more here.

Connecticut considers speeding while driving against the law. While this is a common offense, this does not mean that the police officer will simply let you go. The consequences for speeding are much less severe than the consequences for other offenses. But, avoiding any penalties will be ideal. If a police officer pulls you over for speeding, there are many variables that will affect what happens next.

Speeding occurs when a person operating a motor vehicle fails to recognize the speed limit in a given area. If you operate a motor vehicle above the speed limit, the police have the right to stop you and issue you a speeding ticket.

Verbal Warning

In some cases, when you get pulled over for speeding, a police officer might choose to issue you a verbal warning instead of a speeding ticket. This happens sometimes if you have no previous speeding or driving infractions, your reasons for speeding, and if you did not drive at a speed considered reckless. In the state of Connecticut, 20 MPH over the speed limit is considered “Reckless driving.” A verbal warning will not result in a speeding ticket, but there will be a record of this warning in the police officer’s notes and it could be entered into the police database.

Speeding Ticket in CT

In most cases, a police officer will issue you a speeding ticket in Connecticut if they catch you speeding. If given a speeding ticket, the ticket will require that you pay a fine unless you plead Not Guilty and fight it in court. Your fine will vary based on how fast you drove and the speed limit in the area where you got pulled over. Currently, speeding fines range from $200 to $500. If you simply pay the speeding ticket or if you challenge the ticket and are found not guilty in court, you won’t get any points on your driver’s license. The only case in which you will get points for a regular speeding ticket is if you plead not guilty and are found guilty by the court. You can learn more about driver’s license points on our points page.

Speeding and Additional Charges

When pulled over for speeding, a police officer might charge you with additional charges. A few common Connecticut motor vehicle offenses that might relate to speeding include:

If charged with one of these additional crimes, or another crime, you will face additional punishments and you should definitely have a lawyer helping you.

If you are facing a speeding ticket in Connecticut, you need to act quickly in order to protect your rights. One of the best things that you can do at this point is to contact a motor vehicle violation lawyer. To discuss your case today, please contact our office.

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