Operating Under Suspension Charge and Penalties in Connecticut

Getting your license suspended can create a lot of problems for you and your family. It can be frustrating to suddenly not be able to drive. Simple tasks like getting to work or running to the grocery store are now difficult. When a license suspension happens, some people might choose to ignore it. They feel that as long as they drive carefully, they won’t get caught. They think that they can go on living their lives without the disruption of not being able to drive. But, this is not true. Every time you operate a motor vehicle with a suspended license, you run the risk of getting caught. If this happens, you face extra penalties. For these reasons, it is never a good idea to operate a motor vehicle while your license is suspended.

Common Reasons to Have Your License Suspended

A license suspension can occur in a few different ways. First, the court can impose a suspension as a penalty for a motor vehicle violation. This will occur if the court finds you guilty of a crime such as:

  • Driving under the influence (DUI).
  • Racing.
  • Hit-and-run accidents.
  • Committing a felony with a car (such as manslaughter or assault).
  • Personal injury.

In other cases, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will suspend your license. This license suspension might be part of the court’s suspension, or separate from it. Because the DMV is in charge of driver’s licenses, it has the right to suspend or revoke your license. The DMV might suspend your license:

  • In relation to a court assigned license suspension for a crime.
  • If you accumulate a certain number of points on your driver’s license.
  • If it determines that allowing you to drive would compromise public safety on the roads.

These are just a few of the common reasons why your license might get suspended by the court system or the DMV.

Operating Under Suspension Penalties

If caught operating a motor vehicle with a license suspension, you face penalties. These penalties include:

  • First offense. There is a fine of $150-200. There is also an additional license suspension of a year, and a jail sentence of up to three months.
  • Second or subsequent offense. There is a fine of $200-600. There is also an additional license suspension of two years. This offense carries a prison sentence of up to a year as well. There is also a 90 days of which cannot get reduced if you are third time offender.

Getting caught driving with a suspended license will mean more fines for you. It can also mean a longer license suspension, and potentially jail time. It can also make it harder for you to get your license back when the suspension is over. This is because the DMV might not trust your ability to follow the rules of the road. For these reasons, it is best to avoid driving with a suspended license. If caught operating a vehicle under suspension, you need to build a defense. The best way to do this is by hiring a lawyer with experience in motor vehicle violations.

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